Commit 2e007161 by 张宗强


parent e00033c4
server: server:
port: 9999 port: 4006
#Redis cache 过期时间设置
expiration: 3600
# datasoure默认使用JDBC
spring: spring:
rabbitmq: rabbitmq:
host: host:
...@@ -12,84 +17,54 @@ spring: ...@@ -12,84 +17,54 @@ spring:
queue: zipkin queue: zipkin
sleuth: sleuth:
sampler: sampler:
percentage: 0.5 percentage: 1.0
enabled: true
file-size-threshold: 100MB
max-file-size: 1000MB
max-request-size: 1000MB
charset: UTF-8
enabled: true
force: true
servlet-path: /zuul # 分库分表支持
ignoredServices: '*' sharding:
host: jdbc:
connect-timeout-millis: 1800000 defaultDataSourceName:
socket-timeout-millis: 1800000 type: com.zaxxer.hikari.HikariDataSource
routes: driver-class-name: com.mysql.jdbc.Driver
kiss-auth: username: kiss
path: /auth/** password: kiss123!@#
serviceId: kiss-auth jdbc-url: jdbc:mysql://
stripPrefix: true datasource:
sensitiveHeaders: names: ds
kiss-upms-service: ds:
path: /admin/** type: com.zaxxer.hikari.HikariDataSource
serviceId: kiss-upms-service driver-class-name: com.mysql.jdbc.Driver
stripPrefix: true username: kiss
sensitiveHeaders: password: kiss123!@#
kiss-business: jdbc-url: jdbc:mysql://
path: /business/** #mybaits-plus配置,修改主键类型,mapper.xml、type 别名等
serviceId: kiss-business mybatis-plus:
stripPrefix: true mapper-locations: classpath:/mapper/*Mapper.xml
sensitiveHeaders: typeAliasesPackage: com.proudkids.admin.model.entity
kiss-apps: global-config:
path: /apps/** #主键类型 0:"数据库ID自增", 1:"用户输入ID",2:"全局唯一ID (数字类型唯一ID)", 3:"全局唯一ID UUID";
serviceId: kiss-apps id-type: 0
stripPrefix: true #字段策略 0:"忽略判断",1:"非 NULL 判断"),2:"非空判断"
sensitiveHeaders: field-strategy: 1
ratelimit: #驼峰下划线转换
key-prefix: kiss-ratelimite db-column-underline: true
enabled: true #刷新mapper 调试神器
repository: REDIS refresh-mapper: true
behind-proxy: true #数据库大写下划线转换
policies: #capital-mode: true
kiss-upms-service: configuration:
limit: 100 map-underscore-to-camel-case: true
quota: 100 cache-enabled: true
refresh-interval: 3 wechat:
security: open:
validate: componentAppId: "wx0a693ececf7775d7"
code: true componentSecret: "591faf379dd974942cc79c9093c43c68"
sessions: stateless componentToken: "Proudkids"
oauth2: componentAesKey: "DJvsl2MBMqqGRVYaAHAMQTDJvsl2MBMqqGRVYaAHAMQ"
resource: api:
loadBalanced: true authCallbackUrl: ""
user-info-uri: http://kiss-auth/user menu:
prefer-token-info: false name: "小象册"
service-id: kiss-gateway url: ""
- /admin/user/upload
- /admin/user/editInfo
- /auth/**
- /admin/code/*
- /admin/user/info
- /admin/menu/userTree
- /admin/generate/**
- /swagger-resources/**
- /apps/h5/**
- /apps/share/card/**
- /apps/h5/album/detail/student/**
- /swagger-ui.html
- /*/v2/api-docs
- /swagger/api-docs
- /webjars/**
- /business/notify/**
- /business/api/**
- /business/authWxCallback/success
logging: logging:
config: classpath:logback.xml config: classpath:logback.xml
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