Commit 6842ae0e by 张宗强

init update

parent 1448f39b
#加密配置 #加密配置
jasypt: jasypt:
encryptor: encryptor:
password: lengleng password: lengleng
spring: spring:
redis: redis:
remote: true #cachecloud 获取 remote: true #cachecloud 获取
host: host:
port: 6379 port: 6379
http: password:
multipart: http:
max-file-size: 1000MB multipart:
max-request-size: 1000MB max-file-size: 1000MB
max-request-size: 1000MB
redis: cache:
expiration: 3601 redis:
expiration: 3601
Httpclient: ribbon:
enable: false Httpclient:
OkHttp: enable: false
enable: true OkHttp:
ReadTimeout: 10000 enable: true
ConnectTimeout: 10000 ReadTimeout: 10000
ConnectTimeout: 10000
hystrix: feign:
enabled: true hystrix:
okhttp: enabled: true
enable: true okhttp:
httpclient: enable: true
enable: false httpclient:
client: enable: false
config: client:
feignName: config:
connectTimeout: 30000 feignName:
readTimeout: 30000 connectTimeout: 30000
readTimeout: 30000
command: hystrix:
default: command:
execution: default:
isolation: execution:
thread: isolation:
timeoutInMilliseconds: 60000 thread:
timeoutInMilliseconds: 60000
management: #监控短点配置
security: management:
enabled: false security:
endpoints: enabled: false
actuator: endpoints:
enabled: true actuator:
shutdown: enabled: true
enabled: false shutdown:
enabled: false
server: server:
port: 3000 port: 3000
# datasoure默认使用JDBC # datasoure默认使用JDBC
spring: spring:
datasource: datasource:
driver-class-name: com.mysql.jdbc.Driver driver-class-name: com.mysql.jdbc.Driver
username: proudkids username: proudkids
password: ENC(JRVWYprupsGt50kQeXmGBOYrTC6lR5ct) password: pds123!@#
url: jdbc:mysql://192.1698.1.82:3306/proudkids_ems?characterEncoding=utf8&zeroDateTimeBehavior=convertToNull&useSSL=false url: jdbc:mysql://
pig: pig:
auth: auth:
clientId: ENC(Ho5VxMWMMIzfIEE8/WxVzA==) clientId: ENC(Ho5VxMWMMIzfIEE8/WxVzA==)
clientSecret: ENC(Ho5VxMWMMIzfIEE8/WxVzA==) clientSecret: ENC(Ho5VxMWMMIzfIEE8/WxVzA==)
scope: server scope: server
social: social:
qq: qq:
providerId: qq providerId: qq
clientId: ENC(jYTHlVSN8p2C3KrLz40H7JJYZcQs3SAK) clientId: ENC(jYTHlVSN8p2C3KrLz40H7JJYZcQs3SAK)
clientSecret: ENC(DmTyBXeNFG7Z6pooPCtDUMcI1MYTiO3ldaEOuVWmOTpgDVmyGMsI42hz6OM+0pEE) clientSecret: ENC(DmTyBXeNFG7Z6pooPCtDUMcI1MYTiO3ldaEOuVWmOTpgDVmyGMsI42hz6OM+0pEE)
urls: urls:
anon: anon:
- /social - /social
- /signin - /signin
- /signup - /signup
- /mobile/token - /mobile/token
logging: logging:
config: classpath:logback.xml config: classpath:logback.xml
server: server:
port: 4060 port: 4060
spring: spring:
datasource: datasource:
driver-class-name: com.mysql.jdbc.Driver driver-class-name: com.mysql.jdbc.Driver
username: proudkids username: proudkids
password: ENC(JRVWYprupsGt50kQeXmGBOYrTC6lR5ct) password: pds123!@#
url: jdbc:mysql://192.1698.1.82:3306/proudkids_ems?characterEncoding=utf8&zeroDateTimeBehavior=convertToNull&useSSL=false url: jdbc:mysql://
elasticjob: elasticjob:
zookeeper: zookeeper:
server-lists: server-lists:
namespace: pig-daemon namespace: pig-daemon
\ No newline at end of file
server: server:
port: 9999 port: 9999
zuul: spring:
ignoredServices: '*' rabbitmq:
host: host:
connect-timeout-millis: 30000 port: 5672
socket-timeout-millis: 30000 username: zzq223
routes: password: 222222
pig-auth: zipkin:
path: /auth/** rabbitmq:
serviceId: pig-auth queue: zipkin
stripPrefix: true sleuth:
sensitiveHeaders: sampler:
pig-upms-service: percentage: 1.0
path: /admin/**
serviceId: pig-upms-service zuul:
stripPrefix: true ignoredServices: '*'
sensitiveHeaders: host:
ratelimit: connect-timeout-millis: 30000
key-prefix: pig-ratelimite socket-timeout-millis: 30000
enabled: true routes:
repository: REDIS pig-auth:
behind-proxy: true path: /auth/**
policies: serviceId: pig-auth
pig-upms-service: stripPrefix: true
limit: 100 sensitiveHeaders:
quota: 100 pig-upms-service:
refresh-interval: 3 path: /admin/**
serviceId: pig-upms-service
security: stripPrefix: true
validate: sensitiveHeaders:
code: false ratelimit:
sessions: stateless key-prefix: pig-ratelimite
oauth2: enabled: true
resource: repository: REDIS
loadBalanced: true behind-proxy: true
user-info-uri: http://pig-auth/user policies:
prefer-token-info: false pig-upms-service:
service-id: pig-gateway limit: 100
quota: 100
urls: refresh-interval: 3
- /mobile/** security:
- /auth/** validate:
- /admin/code/* code: false
- /admin/smsCode/* sessions: stateless
- /admin/user/info oauth2:
- /admin/menu/userTree resource:
- /swagger-resources/** loadBalanced: true
- /swagger-ui.html user-info-uri: http://pig-auth/user
- /*/v2/api-docs prefer-token-info: false
- /swagger/api-docs service-id: pig-gateway
- /webjars/**
logging: anon:
config: classpath:logback.xml - /mobile/**
- /auth/**
- /admin/code/*
- /admin/smsCode/*
- /admin/user/info
- /admin/menu/userTree
- /swagger-resources/**
- /swagger-ui.html
- /*/v2/api-docs
- /swagger/api-docs
- /webjars/**
config: classpath:logback.xml
server: server:
port: 4050 port: 4050
spring: spring:
rabbitmq: rabbitmq:
host: host:
port: 5682 port: 5672
username: pig username: zzq223
password: lengleng password: 222222
sms: sms:
aliyun: aliyun:
accessKey: ENC(Lm4sMaa8jpGOwK9hkuRI3SWHlUd63RTqq) accessKey: ENC(Lm4sMaa8jpGOwK9hkuRI3SWHlUd63RTqq)
secretKey: ENC(A9i34tFkZLy8HVd9TTKjmnp5P/OE6pEE6+lAOF6tKxwPHizQ3/AG4cG+XoM8/5fO) secretKey: ENC(A9i34tFkZLy8HVd9TTKjmnp5P/OE6pEE6+lAOF6tKxwPHizQ3/AG4cG+XoM8/5fO)
channels: channels:
loginCodeChannel: SMS_34630023 loginCodeChannel: SMS_34630023
\ No newline at end of file
server: server:
port: 5001 port: 5001
spring: spring:
rabbitmq: rabbitmq:
host: host:
port: 5682 port: 5672
username: pig username: zzq223
password: ENC(gc16brBHPNq27HsjaULgKGq00Rz6ZUji) password: 222222
# zipkin: # zipkin:
# base-url: http://localhost:5002 # base-url: http://localhost:5002
# sleuth: # sleuth:
# enabled: true # enabled: true
# sampler: # sampler:
# percentage: 1 # percentage: 1
boot: boot:
admin: admin:
turbine: turbine:
location: pig-monitor location: pig-monitor
routes: routes:
endpoints: env,metrics,trace,dump,jolokia,info,configprops,trace,logfile,refresh,flyway,liquibase,heapdump,loggers,auditevents,, endpoints: env,metrics,trace,dump,jolokia,info,configprops,trace,logfile,refresh,flyway,liquibase,heapdump,loggers,auditevents,,
turbine: turbine:
app-config: pig-gateway #收集监控信息的服务名 app-config: pig-gateway #收集监控信息的服务名
combine-host-port: true combine-host-port: true
cluster-name-expression: new String('default') #集群名称 cluster-name-expression: new String('default') #集群名称
mobiles: mobiles:
users: users:
- 17034642119 - 17034642119
\ No newline at end of file
server: server:
port: 4000 port: 4000
#Redis cache 过期时间设置 #Redis cache 过期时间设置
redis: redis:
cache: cache:
expiration: 3600 expiration: 3600
# datasoure默认使用JDBC # datasoure默认使用JDBC
spring: spring:
rabbitmq: rabbitmq:
host: host:
port: 5682 port: 5672
username: pig username: zzq223
password: lengleng password: 222222
zipkin: zipkin:
rabbitmq: rabbitmq:
queue: zipkin queue: zipkin
sleuth: sleuth:
sampler: sampler:
percentage: 1.0 percentage: 1.0
# 分库分表支持 # 分库分表支持
sharding: sharding:
jdbc: jdbc:
defaultDataSourceName: defaultDataSourceName:
type: com.zaxxer.hikari.HikariDataSource type: com.zaxxer.hikari.HikariDataSource
driver-class-name: com.mysql.jdbc.Driver driver-class-name: com.mysql.jdbc.Driver
username: proudkids username: proudkids
password: ENC(JRVWYprupsGt50kQeXmGBOYrTC6lR5ct) password: pds123!@#
url: jdbc:mysql://192.1698.1.82:3306/proudkids_ems?characterEncoding=utf8&zeroDateTimeBehavior=convertToNull&useSSL=false url: jdbc:mysql://
datasource: datasource:
names: ds names: ds
ds: ds:
type: com.zaxxer.hikari.HikariDataSource type: com.zaxxer.hikari.HikariDataSource
driver-class-name: com.mysql.jdbc.Driver driver-class-name: com.mysql.jdbc.Driver
username: root username: proudkids
password: lengleng password: pds123!@#
jdbc-url: jdbc:mysql:// url: jdbc:mysql://
config: config:
sharding: sharding:
tables: tables:
sys_log: sys_log:
actual-data-nodes: ds.sys_log_${0..1} actual-data-nodes: ds.sys_log_${0..1}
table-strategy: table-strategy:
inline: inline:
sharding-column: id sharding-column: id
algorithm-expression: sys_log_${id % 2} algorithm-expression: sys_log_${id % 2}
key-generator-column-name: id key-generator-column-name: id
#mybaits-plus配置,修改主键类型,mapper.xml、type 别名等 #mybaits-plus配置,修改主键类型,mapper.xml、type 别名等
mybatis-plus: mybatis-plus:
mapper-locations: classpath:/mapper/*Mapper.xml mapper-locations: classpath:/mapper/*Mapper.xml
typeAliasesPackage: com.github.pig.admin.model.entity typeAliasesPackage: com.github.pig.admin.model.entity
global-config: global-config:
#主键类型 0:"数据库ID自增", 1:"用户输入ID",2:"全局唯一ID (数字类型唯一ID)", 3:"全局唯一ID UUID"; #主键类型 0:"数据库ID自增", 1:"用户输入ID",2:"全局唯一ID (数字类型唯一ID)", 3:"全局唯一ID UUID";
id-type: 0 id-type: 0
#字段策略 0:"忽略判断",1:"非 NULL 判断"),2:"非空判断" #字段策略 0:"忽略判断",1:"非 NULL 判断"),2:"非空判断"
field-strategy: 1 field-strategy: 1
#驼峰下划线转换 #驼峰下划线转换
db-column-underline: true db-column-underline: true
#刷新mapper 调试神器 #刷新mapper 调试神器
refresh-mapper: true refresh-mapper: true
#数据库大写下划线转换 #数据库大写下划线转换
#capital-mode: true #capital-mode: true
configuration: configuration:
map-underscore-to-camel-case: true map-underscore-to-camel-case: true
cache-enabled: true cache-enabled: true
fdfs: fdfs:
file-host: file-host:
tracker-list: tracker-list:
- -
qiniu: qiniu:
accessKey: hM2cBDEM0FTYzpXbigRW90kV12NhhzhFM3jCzurJ accessKey: hM2cBDEM0FTYzpXbigRW90kV12NhhzhFM3jCzurJ
secretKey: ENC(HM/K0KmtFoZSBhGDEA0Ez71ePTncZlQ954DfLNMZuOftKZq+2WR+dCXH9QEsf768q9wwd92RXLE=) secretKey: ENC(HM/K0KmtFoZSBhGDEA0Ez71ePTncZlQ954DfLNMZuOftKZq+2WR+dCXH9QEsf768q9wwd92RXLE=)
bucket: pigcloud bucket: pigcloud
qiniuHost: qiniuHost:
logging: logging:
config: classpath:logback.xml config: classpath:logback.xml
server: server:
port: 5003 port: 5003
# datasoure默认使用JDBC # datasoure默认使用JDBC
spring: spring:
datasource: datasource:
driver-class-name: com.mysql.jdbc.Driver driver-class-name: com.mysql.jdbc.Driver
username: proudkids username: proudkids
password: ENC(JRVWYprupsGt50kQeXmGBOYrTC6lR5ct) password: pds123!@#
url: jdbc:mysql://192.1698.1.82:3306/proudkids_ems?characterEncoding=utf8&zeroDateTimeBehavior=convertToNull&useSSL=false url: jdbc:mysql://
zipkin: zipkin:
collector: collector:
rabbitmq: rabbitmq:
addresses: addresses:
password: lengleng password: lengleng
username: pig username: pig
queue: zipkin queue: zipkin
storage: storage:
type: mysql type: mysql
\ No newline at end of file
server: server:
port: 5002 port: 5002
zipkin: zipkin:
collector: collector:
rabbitmq: rabbitmq:
addresses: addresses:
password: lengleng password: zzq223
username: pig username: 222222
queue: zipkin queue: zipkin
storage: storage:
type: elasticsearch type: elasticsearch
elasticsearch: elasticsearch:
hosts: hosts:
cluster: elasticsearch cluster: elasticsearch
index: zipkin index: zipkin
max-requests: 64 max-requests: 64
index-shards: 5 index-shards: 5
index-replicas: 1 index-replicas: 1
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